Tamil Nadu - CSA prevention message on the back of Std 3- 5 notebooks

The Dept of School Education, Govt. of Tamil Nadu is to be lauded for their proactive measures to address Child Sexual Abuse - both in terms of prevention and redress.
GO 121 about dealing with school teachers   who are perpetrators
The Training of Teachers Trainers  on orienting  their colleagues about understanding the dynamics of CSA and th reporting systems now being put in place
The inclusion of the Chapter on understanding CSA to prevent  and respond appropriately, in the Teacher Handbooks
And now Personal Safety messages on the backs of  primary school Text books and Notebooks to educate children on protective behaviour - a reach of over 20 lakh kids


Henri said…
I totally agree with what you have stated.
Butt what needs t be done by hem is to equip their monitors, the AEEOs and DEEOs and DEOs as well as the CEOs etc on how to handle the prosecutions in the field. After POCSO they have a duty to ensure that the standards in the investigation are carried out perfectly and that the children are not harassed etc. May be we all should now stand with them in empowering them in this next phase. Let us resolve to do it all.
Henri Tiphagne

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