Nov. 19 - World Day for the Prevention of Child Abuse

Alerting Governments and civil society organizations to play a more active role in the promotion of and respect for the rights of the child (article 19 and 34 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child), and contribute to the prevention of child abuse, WWSF ( launched in 2000 the World Day for Prevention of Child Abuse, a Day to be commemorated every 19 November in synergy with the anniversary of the International Day for the rights of the child (20 November) which has as its objective to be a rallying point around the issue of child abuse and the need for urgent effective prevention programs. The World Day for Prevention of Child Abuse is a process for the emergence of a culture of prevention around the issue of violence against girls and boys. Alerting Governments, civil society organizations and concerned citizens to play a more active role in the respect, promotion and fulfillment of rights of all children and contribute to the prevention of violence against children, the World Day for Prevention of Child Abuse is commemorated every 19th November. Since sustained advocacy and activity is required in order to build societal commitments for child safety and protection, it is imperative to expand the process by reaching out to as many people to rally for a collective stand towards zero tolerance towards child abuse.
This is SreeRam, KravMaga self defense instructor at Chennai.
I am working with Chennai police on creating safety awareness after the recent kidnappings of children, one of which tragically ended in teh rape & murder of a 9 year old girl.
Today, on NDTV Hindu i spoke on the preventive methodologies a kid can take to avoid getting into a situation. This is also explained here -
I am keen to work along with Tulir on these aspects.
Contact me on 9340006600