Launch of awareness flier for the visually impaired
Although all children are at possible risk of being sexually abused, the social exclusion of children with disabilities together with their increased dependency makes them especially vulnerable.
A common misconception is that individuals with disabilities are asexual and are not at risk for sexual abuse and cannot benefit from abuse prevention education. Also in an effort to “protect” the child, many children with disabilities have never received correct information or education about abuse prevention, sexuality and self-protection or personal safety strategies or been provided education on ways to develop and maintain healthy, respectful and supportive relationships.
Furthermore many individuals with disabilities are taught in school, through caregivers and family members to do as they are told, to comply with requests of others, and to control difficult behaviors. They are not taught about boundaries, assertiveness, or the right to say no – especially to authority figures – to painful or other unwanted touches. Compliance training can make the individual vulnerable to abuse or exploitation.
Children with disabilities deserve the right to personal safety as well as to learn strategies to protect themselves, education and training efforts that include sexuality awareness, violence and abuse prevention and assertiveness training help to prevent abuse.
Tulir - Centre for the Prevention and Healing of Child Sexual Abuse and Vidya Sagar - an organization working with disability, invites you to the launch of the Braille version of an awareness flier on personal safety - “ Smart Ways To Keep Myself Safe”
Mrs Kannegi Packianthan, IAS, Secretary, Welfare of Differently Abled Persons, Govt. of Tamil Nadu, will preside
Date: 16th November 2011
Time: 4.00 pm – 5.00pm
Venue: Thomas Rajan Auditorium, Vidya Sagar
No:1, Ranjith Road