Nov 19 - World Day for the Prevention of Child Abuse

NOW is as good as any other time.The Children cannot wait. Any longer!!
"It is not what you know, think or feel that matters ultimately. It is what you do that defines you."

Show. Wear a yellow bow to indicate your solidarity and support to prevent child abuse.
Learn. Knowledge is power. Only when you know more about child rights and child sexual abuse can you help ensure the safety of children in your family, your neighborhood and your community
Examine. Be conscious of your own role in allowing abuse to happen
Talk. Talk to your colleagues, friends, relatives and family . Help break the silence around child sexual abuse.
Educate. Teach children the Touching Rules. That they have a right to be safe all the time, anywhere, with anyone from child sexual abuse
Encourage. Support Awarness activities and prevention programmes. Too often intervention occurs only after abuse is reported.
Observe. Be alert to the behavioral and physical indicators of sexual abuse in children. Don't just hear children's voices Listen to them.
Help. If you suspect a child of being abused, seek assistance from individuals, organizations authorities to ensure the child's safety . It takes time but it is worth it- Every child matters everywhere!
Advocate. Ask your child's school to incorporate personal safety curriculum and to implement a school child protection policy. If you are supporting a Children's Home ensure they follow and adhere as well.
Contact. Tulir-CPHCSA can organize talks/workshops for your school, organization or community. We can also guide you to similar organizations nearest you
Involve. Volunteer your time and resources to organizations working against child sexual abuse.


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Nov. 19 - World Day for the Prevention of Child Abuse