Tulir would like to share its delight at being awarded the C. Henry Kempe Award by the International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect
The recognition is particularly meaningful to us as it is an affirmation of our work by pioneers and experts who have been at the forefront in the efforts to address child abuse. Our thanks to the many individuals without whose interest, belief and support this honour would not have been possible - we share this award with you.
About the award:
In 1962, Colorado--based paediatrician Dr C Henry Kempe changed the world of abused children and gave them new hope by announcing and publishing his research findings on the recognition of the little acknowledged but widespread prevalence of "non-accidental" injuries to children - shattered bones, inflicted burns, brain damage - under the newly coined and emotionally powerful phrase 'the battered child syndrome.'
In 1977, to support and advance work internationally on the hidden epidemic of child abuse, he assembled a group of child abuse professionals from around the world to found the International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (ISPCAN). ISPCAN's monthly, peer-reviewed journal, Child Abuse and Neglect (CAN), is now a leading publication in the field, and its biennial international congress has become the most prestigious international conference on child abuse, worldwide. Through its journal, conferences, and training events, ISPCAN enhances research and knowledge on child abuse and neglect, besides facilitating an ever expanding network, imperataive, to counter violence agaisnt children.
The award, established in 1984 by the International Society for Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (ISPCAN), is presented once in two years to a young professional or an organisation working in the field of child abuse and neglect.


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