Online Interets - Offline Consequences

While rapid innovative advances in information and communications have created an exciting, new world for anyone with access to the related services, with the new border less technologies offering unparalleled opportunities for children and adults to learn about the universe in which we live and improve the quality of life, it has also had an immeasurable impact on the sexual exploitation of children.

We need to understand that at any given moment thousands of potential/child sex abusers are making contact online with unsuspecting children and young people with the intention of further exploitation. And this situation though seemingly unimaginable is happening alarmingly on our doorsteps, in India. Moreover considering the proliferation of the internet and telephony and ease of access, the demographics of the end user of the new technologies along with the socio-cultural milieu which frowns on healthy interpersonal interaction among young people - the platform new technologies offer are easy alternatives without an understanding of the potential risks and dangers involved.


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