Nov 19 - World Day for the Prevention of Child Abuse

This simple but powerful slogan on strategically placed haordings around Chennai has become a annual feature of Tulir`s advocacy activities for Nov 19.


Anonymous said…
~~~TeenAnswers is for Everyone!~~~
WASHINGTON (AP)---"Using anti-depressants Increases the risk of
Suicidal thoughts and behavior among young people"---12/06/2006

Please help volunteer effort to save our impulsive youths: TeenAnswers is for Everyone!
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~~~Ending suicide/impulsive depression/self-injury is NOW possible!
It works, even though you might not agree, but other people's lives
are more important than Anyone's subjective opinion!~~~
WASHINGTON - Teens increasingly are getting high with legal drugs like painkillers and mood stimulants, and they're turning to cough syrup as well, says a government survey released Thursday.
The annual study by the National Institute on Drug Abuse, conducted by the University of Michigan, showed mixed results in the nation's longtime campaign against teen drug abuse.
It found that while fewer teens overall drank alcohol or used illegal drugs in the last year, a small but growing number were popping prescription painkillers like OxyContin and Vicodin and stimulants like
As many as one in every 14 high school seniors said they used cold medicine "fairly recently" to get high, the study found.
It was the first year that the government tracked the frequency of teens who reported getting high from over-the-counter medicine for coughs and colds.

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