"5 ways to Deter a pedophile "
http://themamabeareffectorg.fatcow.com/1/post/2014/02/5-things-that-turn-off-a-pedophile.html We often refer to the saying "never get between a mother bear and her cubs" - and that is the reaction we want potential predators & pedophiles to take away with them if they should ever cross our path. As much as 90% of child sexual abuse occurs in a situation where the child & their family know the abuser and the perpetrator has often established themselves in a position of trust. Many are patient, choose their victims/families carefully and spend time grooming both the adults and children. Why all this effort? They don't want to get caught. They want an abusive relationship with a child that they can keep secret and repeat. Some convicted child predators have been open enough to be interviewed by abuse prevention experts and we can learn from their tactics and what situations they avoided to maintain their cover. While there are no guarantees ...