
Showing posts from November, 2017

Join us for a free webinar on Nov 22, 2017 at 11:00 AM IST.

ADDRESSING CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE IN INSTITUTIONS  Pls register at     https://attendee.gotowebinar. com/register/ 4532818436154584578   A child protection policy (CPP) articulates an organization’s zero tolerance approach to child abuse. An important step towards achieving this objective would be for every institution which works with and for children to develop and adhere to a child protection policy, taking into account their unique idiosyncrasies, which would have clear cut guidelines and protocols to provide for a safe and conducive environment for both children and the adults with whom they interact. This is especially significant as there is enough evidence, both anecdotally and research based, to indicate offenders often intentionally target child-serving organizations due to the proximity and accessibility the work offers to children - a corollary to the well established fact that children are usually abused by people...

Driving home the point

Driving Home the point - Display on Bus Panels, crisscrossing Chennai has resulted in a spate of calls to Tulir - ranging from curiosity to information seeking to catharisizing to requests for help.