
Showing posts from August, 2016

Tamil Workshop - It's Everyone's Business - Working Together to Prevent Sexual Abuse of Primary School Going Age Children

A society’s integrity and worth is not based on whether cases of  sexual  violence against children happen. Instead it is based on the acceptance of the possibilities of  occurrence and proactive steps taken to  both safeguard and respond in a timely and appropriate way to ensure that its children may benefit from its caring and foresight to truly have the right to be safe all the time, everywhere. Tulir - Center for the Prevention and Healing of Child Sexual Abuse is organizing  a workshop   facilitated in Tamil  on  I t's Everyone's Business - Working Together to Prevent Sexual Abuse of Primary School Going Age Children -  Child sexual abuse does not happen all by itself. There are many factors involved. When working to protect young children each of these elements need to come together to form a holistic and coordinated program. During these 2 days we will discuss dynamics  of child sexual abuse, ...