
Showing posts from September, 2012

Of abstract notions and the actual realities

In the abstract we abhor sexual abuse of children but in reality we have a very high tolerance of it. This article gives a very good idea about grooming,  the process of  grooming( which is the crux of abuse) and  and the way it envelopes kids. The purpose of grooming is to reduce the likelihood of disclosure, the likelihood of the child being believed, the likelihood of being detected,to manipulate the perceptions of the adults around the targeted child, to manipulate the child  into becoming a "cooperating"participant - creating a context of complicity and therefore increasing the chances of a continued relationship with the child

Roots and Wings

And pls don't prune or clip them to suit your ideas, belief and value systems. Just nuture

The Hindu interview with Dr Peter Choate

Towards a safer society for juveniles HEMA VIJAY Share   ·   Comment   ·   print   ·   T+    Ensure an Environment: That's filled with happiness, not trauma Dr. Choate Are juvenile sex offences on the rise? What role do accountability and therapy play in tackling the problem? Canada-based lecturer and social worker Peter W. Choate addressed these issues in a talk in the city Reports of schoolchildren raping a classmate, or older children sexually molesting younger children are not unheard of. In fact, about one-third of child sexual abuse is by juvenile offenders. This is the bitter reality, the world over. Handling it can be tricky, but it is crucial for all concerned — the victim, the offender and for broader community safety as well — that the juvenile sex offender is not just held accountable but is also given reformative therapy. Peter W. Choate, lecturer, ...