
Showing posts from February, 2012

Workshop - “Using the traumagenic dynamic framework when treating pre- and adolescent female victims”

Tulir - Center for the Prevention and Healing of Child Sexual Abuse is organizing a workshop on “ Using the traumagenic dynamic framework when treating pre- and adolescent female victims”,  between Feburary 13 – 15, 2012 at Chennai . The workshop will be in English and  Please contact Tulir for   the Registration form. Limited seats are available. The charges are Rs. 2000/- for the three days and  includes lunch, teas and training material and will have to be paid in advance. Only local cheques and DD payable to Tulir Charitable Trust will be accepetd.  Participants will have to make their own accommodation arrangements ( for which we will be able to provide guidance)  Dr. Lois J. Engelbrecht, will be the trainer. Since founding the nonprofit Center for the Prevention and Treatment of Child Sexual Abuse in 1993, she has helped create systems of prevention and response in the Philippines, Malaysia, China, India, Saudi Arabia, and Vietnam. Read more about ...