Blogging to Prevent and Heal Child Sexual Abuse

As always in keeping with Tulir CPHCSA's belief, we seek and utilize any platform to keep up the drumbeat against child sexual abuse. Welcome to yet another we hope will make a difference to breaking the silence and evolving suitable responses to ensure children, anywhere, have the right to feel safe all the time from sexual abuse


m. said…
hey! im SO glad you guys have started this... im linking you folks from my blog :)
if youve HTML buttons/banners, please do lemme know and ill put those up too
Chittz said…
ola... just thought I'd google "tulir" and find out what comes up.... anyways... the seminar over at our school made a big impact... so at the moment I'm spreading the message as much as possible... if there is any other way for me to pitch in let me know.. :)

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