
Showing posts from November, 2007

The Inaugural Article 34 Awards

Bottom Left : Ms . Jasmine Matthew and Ms. Rashmi Nair accepting the The Article 34 Award ( Organisation Category ) from Dr R. K. Raghavan, Former Director, CBI TOP Left: Ms. Jayashree Raghunandan, Commissioner of Social Defense, Govt. of Tamil Nadu accepting the Award ( Individual) category on behalf of Dr Loveleen Kacker

Second Annual Tulir - CPHCSA Lecture - “Addressing Violence Against Children In Institutional Settings:

Clockwise from top left - Dr Shantha Sinha, Tulir representative explaining the background of the topic for the lecture , Ms Geeta Ramaseshan, Trustee Tulir welcoming the audience and a view of a section of the audience Background Note Considering approximately 420 million of India’s population are children below 18 years it can be but expected that more than a sizable number spend a significant time in institutional settings - schools, hostels, children’s homes - both Govt and privately managed , and other similar facilities which cater exclusively to children. It is unfortunate however that often the very people and structures entrusted with the care and well being of children – wardens, administrators, teachers, are the violators of this trust reposed in them. Either by physical violence, sexual abuse or various forms of emotional abuse . The fact is that violence against children besides being pervasive and endemic is ignored and trivialized, if not condoned as in the case of co...

Invitation to Tulir Annual Lecture and the Article 34 Awards Cermony


World Day for the Prevention of Child Abuse - Nov 2007

The Annual Poster Exhibition at Spencer's Plaza

Converging towards a Culture of Safety

Date:20/11/2007 URL: Tamil Nadu - Chennai A ‘safe schools’ initiative launched Staff Reporter Pamphlets with messages to help children keep their bodies safe distributed — Photo: R. Ravindran SPREADING AWARENESS: Mayor M. Subramanian distributes pamphlets to children on personal safety, printed by the Chennai Corporation with content produced by the Tulir Centre for the Prevention and Healing of Child Sexual Abuse, at the Corporation Middle School, St. Mary’s Road, Alwarpet, on Monday. CHENNAI: Children in schools across the city would soon be receiving colourful pamphlets with messages to help them keep their bodies safe and talk about unsafe touch to elders as part of the ‘Safe Schools’ initiative, launched on the World Day for the Prevention of Child Abuse here on Monday. “If we use the language of good and bad to talk about child abuse, children are less likely to report incidents when the words have such value connot...

Social Marketing of Child Sexual Abuse Awareness

Greater awareness of preventing Child Sexual Abuse was the result of the Corporate Social Responsibility Partnership between Retailers , Advertsisng Agencies and Citizen Sector Organizations

Tulir Hoarding Campaign - Nov. 2007

53.22% children reported having faced one or more forms of sexual abuse Source - Min. of Women and Child Development, Govt. of India

Tulir Hoarding Campaign - Nov. 2007

"Not more than 12% of sexually abused children, disclose their abuse" - Stop it Now

Tulir Hoarding Campaign - Nov. 2007

Information and Communication Technologies are changing the contours of sexual crime against children. The Ministry of Information Technology however has countered the reccomendations of the Standing Parlimentray Committee for the Draft Bill of Amendments to the IT Act, that a separate definition of child pornography (child abuse images) be included in the Bill, by stating that the existing definition of pornography is adequate. It is a different matter altogether that Sec 292 IPC is circa the 19th century with a slight amendment a few years ago, and that thers is still no definitive definition of pornography in the laws of our land. And if nothing else, viewing or possesing images of two adults engaging in sexual behaviour cannot be compared to the same with images of a child being raped!!

Tulir Hoarding Campaign - Nov. 2007

"Only Talking can prevent and Heal Child Sexual Abuse"

The Article 34 Awards

The Article 34 Awards have been instituted by Tulir-CPHCSA with an aim to affirm, support and celebrate efforts that strengthen every child’s right to be safe from sexual violence, as enshrined in Article 34 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. For their substantial work in addressing concerns relating to sexual violence against children, Tulir -CPHCSA is delighted to announce the Inaugural awards for the year 2007 will be presented to: Dept. of Social Work, BCM College, Kottayam - organization Dr Loveleen KackerI.A.S., Jt Secy, Ministry of Women and Child Development, Govt. of India -individual The Awards cermony is scheduled for Nov. 24, 2007, 4.30pm at Fathima Hall, Good Shepherd Matriculation Higher Secondary School, Chennai

Child Abuse Images - Legal Lacunae
